On Campus E-resources

On Campus E-resources

On Campus E-resources

E-books & Online E-resources

  • SpringerLink eBook Collection

    The SpringerLink eBook Collection includes over 7,600 titles on a wide range of subjects i.a. Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, Law & Criminology and Business & Economics.

  • ProQuest Ebook Central Collection

    The ProQuest Ebook Central Collection is a multidisciplinary subject area subscription database with over 157,800 titles including 80,000 scholarly titles. This collection has most University Presses titles, key titles in core disciplines including 'CHOICE Outstanding Academic Titles' (OAT).

  • EBSCO databases login

    • eBook Academic Collection (EBSCO)
      A robust collection consisting of more than 200,000 ebooks representing a broad range of academic subject (application software, leaderschip, psychoanalysis, ethics, human rights, political science, web site development and more.
    • eBook Harvard Business Collection (EBSCO)
      Harvard business ebooks includes over 23,000 ebooks on topics like: business ethics, leadership and management, organizational psychology and much more provided by university presses as Oxford, Sanford, Princeton, Yale and other leading publishers.
    • eBook EngeneeringCore collection (EBSCO)
      Engeneering Core provides access to  more than 6,400 ebooks covering topics such as energy sciences, industrial safety, material science, optics and photonics, biotechnology, project management, robotics and many more.
    • EBSCO eClassics Collection
      25 free e-books of world-class narratives including The invisible man, Great Expectations, Pride and Prejudice, Wuthering Heights and The call of the Wild.

    • Academic Search Ultimate journal collection (EBSCO)
      Academic Search Ultimate is a multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 11.900 full-text journals and magazines of which more than 10.500 are peer-reviewed journals. This collection includes virtually every discipline e.g.: Anthropology, Biology, Chemistry, Education, Engineering, Ethnic and multicultural studies, General science, Geography, Geology, Law, Mathematics, Music, Physics, Psychology, Science and technology etc.
    • Business Source Ultimate journal collection (EBSCO)
      Business Source Ultimate provides access to 5.166 full-text business journals and magazines including 2.700 peer-reviewed. In addition to access to journals and magazines on accounting, finance, banking, marketing and management, business students can delve into case studies, country economic reports and company profiles, as well as interviews with executives and analysts – the key players whose roles they are studying to fill.
    • Hospitality and Tourism Complete journal collection (EBSCO)
      Hospitality and Tourism Complete covers with 120 e-journals, 50 books in the area of hospitality and tourism among which hospitality law, market trends, food and beverage management and hotel management.an administrative practices and market trends.
    • Education Source journal collection (EBSCO)
      Education Source has more than 590 active full text, non-open-access journals 590 additional active full-text, non-open access journals.
    • ERIC journal collection
      ERIC, the Educational Resource Information Center, contains more than 2,200 digests along with references for additional information and citations and abstracts from over 1,000 educational and education-related journals.
    • Caribbean Search journal collection (EBSCO)
      Caribbean Search is a multidisciplinary database that provides a comprehensive guide to English-language articles pertinent to the countries and people of the Caribbean region. The collection contains over 730 Caribbean focused scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers, reports and reference books.
    • GreenFILE journal collection (EBSCO)
      GreenFILE is a free research database that covers the connections between the environments and a variety of disciples such as agriculture, education, law, heath and technology.
    • Regional Business News journal collection (EBSCO)
      With more than 40 full text active business publications Regional Business news covers local commercial news within the United States.


    Emerald journals collection boasts titles from a vast range of subject areas from accounting, engineering, information science management and finance to marketing and social media.


    HeinOnline Law Journal Library

    The HeinOnline Law Journal Library contains more than 2.900 law and law-related periodicals covering more than 90 subject areas.


    ICB - Instituut voor Caribisch Belastingrecht

    Toegang tot het Instituut voor Caribisch Belastingrecht Portaal (ICB) geeft vaktechnische informatie en toegang tot het Caribisch Fiscaal Nieuwsblad (CFN).

  • NLFiscaal

    NLFiscaal biedt kerninformatie voor fiscale professionals ten behoeve van hun dagelijkse werkzaamheden.

  • Kluwer Navigator

    De Kluwer Navigator portal bevat juridische tijdschrift en boeken, jurisprudentie, wet & regelgeving en commentaren. Belangrijke uitgaven zijn o.a.: Asser serie burgerlijk recht, Groene serie, Data Juridica, Tekst & Commentaar, Nederlands Juristenblad, Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, Cursus Belastingrecht en Fiscale Vakstudies.

  • Boom juridische tijdschriften 

    Het online tijdschriftenportaal van Boom Juridische uitgevers bevat ruim. 23.000 wetenschappelijke artikelen uit 50 tijdschriften waaronder het Caribisch Juristenblad.

  • Paris juridische tijdschriften

    Het abonnement bij uitgeverij Paris omvat 13 juridische tijdschriften op het gebied van Arbeidsrecht, Bedrijfskunde, Bouwrecht, Consumentenrecht, Europees recht, Financieel recht, Fiscaal recht, Gezondheidsrecht, Handelsrecht, ICT-recht, Medisch recht, Omgevingsrecht, Ondernemingsrecht, Privaatrecht, Procesrecht, Recht algemeen, Strafrecht, Vervoersrecht en Verzekeringsrecht.


    Ars Aequi Maandblad

    De onderwerpen in Ars Aequi Maandblad geven een brede doorsnede van het recht. Actuele gebeurtenissen en ingewikkelde leerstukken worden besproken, maar ook beroepsperspectieven komen aan bod. Het hart van het blad wordt ingenomen door de annotaties en nieuwe wetgeving. In het maandblad is daarnaast ruimte voor Opinie, Verdieping, Perspectief en Literatuur.


    Vreemdelingenrecht 2000-2014 


    Alle uitspraken met annotaties die gepubliceerd zijn in Rechtspraak Vreemdelingenrecht van 2000-2014 zijn digitaal ontsloten. De artikelen zijn te downloaden als pdf.


    Tijdschrift voor Bouwrecht

    Via het IBR Tracker portaal is er toegang tot het Tijdschrift voor Bouwrecht met ruim 16.000 artikelen over juridisch kwesties in de bouwsector.

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