Off Campus E-resources

Off Campus E-resources

Off Campus E-resources

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  • SpringerLink eBook Collection

    The SpringerLink eBook Collection includes over 7,600 titles on a wide range of subjects i.a. Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, Law & Criminology and Business & Economics.

  • ProQuest Ebook Central Collection

    The ProQuest Ebook Central Collection is a multidisciplinary subject area subscription database with over 157,800 titles including 80,000 scholarly titles. This collection has most University Presses titles, key titles in core disciplines including 'CHOICE Outstanding Academic Titles' (OAT).

Online Journals

  • EBSCO databases login

    • Academic Search Ultimate
      Academic Search Ultimate is a multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 11.900 full-text journals and magazines of which more than 10.500 are peer-reviewed journals. This collection includes virtually every discipline e.g.: Anthropology, Biology, Chemistry, Education, Engineering, Ethnic and multicultural studies, General science, Geography, Geology, Law, Mathematics, Music, Physics, Psychology, Science and technology etc.
    • Business Source Ultimate
      Business Source Ultimate provides access to 5.166 full-text business journals and magazines including 2.700 peer-reviewed. In addition to access to journals and magazines on accounting, finance, banking, marketing and management, business students can delve into case studies, country economic reports and company profiles, as well as interviews with executives and analysts – the key players whose roles they are studying to fill.
    • Regional Business News
      Coverage: full text coverage for regional business publications within the United States.
    • Hospitality and Tourism Complete
      Coverage: scholarly research and industry news relating to all areas of hospitality and tourism.
    • Education Research Complete
      Education Research Complete covers all levels of education from early childhood to higher education, and all educational specialties, such as multilingual education, health education, and testing. Education Research Complete provides indexing and abstracts for more than 2,100 journals, as well as full text for more than 1,200 journals, and includes full text for nearly 500 books and monographs.
    • ERIC
      ERIC, the Educational Resource Information Center, contains more than 2,200 digests along with references for additional information and citations and abstracts from over 1,000 educational and education-related journals.
    • Caribbean Search
      Caribbean Search is a multidisciplinary database that provides a comprehensive guide to English-language articles pertinent to the countries and people of the Caribbean region. The collection contains over 730 Caribbean focused scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers, reports and reference books.
  • Emerald

    Coverage: Accounting, Business, Economics, Information Science, Engineering, Finance, Marketing, Property and Public Relations.

  • HeinOnline Law Journal Library

    The HeinOnline Law Journal Library contains more than 2,000 law and law-related periodicals covering more than 90 subject areas.

  • ICB - Instituut voor Caribisch Belastingrecht

    Toegang tot het ICB - Instituut voor Caribisch Belastingrecht Portaal inclusief het Caribisch Fiscaal Nieuwsblad (CFN).

  • Kluwer Navigator

    Kluwer Navigator bevat veel tijdschriftartikelen, jurisprudentie, wet- & regelgeving en commentaren. Belangrijke uitgaven zijn o.a.: Asser serie burgerlijk recht, Groene serie, Data Juridica, Tekst & Commentaar, Nederlands Juristenblad, Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, Cursus Belastingrecht en Fiscale Vakstudies.

  • Boom juridische tijdschriften 

    Het online tijdschriftenportaal van Boom Juridische uitgevers bevat ruim 12.000 wetenschappelijke artikelen uit 40 tijdschriften waaronder het Caribisch Juristenblad.

  • Paris juridische tijdschriften

    Het webportaal van uitgeverij Paris omvat 16 juridische tijdschriften op het gebied van Arbeidsrecht, Bedrijfskunde, Bouwrecht, Consumentenrecht, Europees recht, Financieel recht, Fiscaal recht, Gezondheidsrecht, Handelsrecht, ICT-recht, Medisch recht, Omgevingsrecht, Ondernemingsrecht, Privaatrecht, Procesrecht, Recht algemeen, Strafrecht, Vervoersrecht en Verzekeringsrecht.

  • Ars Aequi Maandblad 

    The subjects in Ars Aequi Maandblad provide a broad cross-section of law. Current events and complex doctrines are discussed, but also professional perspectives. The heart of the magazine consists of the annotations and new legislation. The monthly magazine also offers space for Opinion, Deepening, Perspective and Literature.    


  • Tijdschrift voor Bouwrecht

    Via het IBR Tracker portaal is er toegang tot het Tijdschrift voor Bouwrecht met ruim 2.500 artikelen.

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